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Friday, 24 December 2010

How to Change Hair Color in Photoshop CS3

It’s easy to change hair color in a photo in Adobe Photoshop CS3 using a quick mask to make the changes and an eraser tool to take care of any mistakes. In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to change hair color in Photoshop CS3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary7860709356160219942"...

How to Change Eye Color in Photoshop CS3

Eye color in Adobe Photoshop CS3 can easily be changed using the elliptical marquee tool paired with the hue/saturation command. In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to change eye color in Photoshop CS3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary1811679206200232953"...

How to Change a Color in an Image With the Paint Bucket Tool in Photoshop CS3

The paint bucket tool in Adobe Photoshop CS3 can be used to fill a selection of an image with color. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to change a color in an image with the paint bucket tool in Photoshop CS3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary1103689292010668452"...

How to Change a Color in an Image With the Fill Command in Photoshop CS3

A color in an Adobe Photoshop CS3 image can be changed easily with the fill command. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to change a color in an image with the fill command in Photoshop CS3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary8247603578531863391"...

How to Apply Lipstick in Photoshop CS3

Give a woman a quick makeover by applying lipstick to her picture in Adobe Photoshop CS3. In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to apply lipstick in Photoshop CS3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary2843583017970735526"...

How to Apply Eye Shadow and Eyeliner in Photoshop CS3

Add some eye makeup to give a woman a makeover by applying eye shadow and eyeliner in Adobe Photoshop CS3. In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to apply eye shadow and eyeliner in Photoshop Cs3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary2183164145282171416"...

How to Apply Auto Levels to an Image in Photoshop CS3

Auto levels can be applied to any image in Adobe Photoshop CS3 to automatically even out any dark and light spots in the photo. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to apply auto levels to an image in Photoshop CS3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary5888440323329046825"...

How to Apply a Gradient in Photoshop CS3

A gradient can be added to an existing photo or new blank canvas in Adobe Photoshop CS3. There are tons of options to choose from when applying a gradient such as colors, styles and transparency. In this video tutorial, you will find out how to apply a gradient in Photoshop CS3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary506189151543941...

How to Apply a Filter in Photoshop CS3

know details here how to apply A filter can be applied to any image in Adobe Photoshop CS3 to give the image a whole new look. In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to apply a filter in Photoshop CS3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary6917523901743196680"...

How to Apply a Blend Mode in Photoshop CS3

One of the many blend modes (25 in fact!) can be added to any layer in Adobe Photoshop CS3 to create anything from a subtle to dramatic result. In this video I go through all the different blend modes showing you how to apply them and what they look like once you do. Tune into this video tutorial, where you’ll learn how to apply a blend mode in Photoshop CS3.It’s a fantastic feature to learn how...

How to Adjust the Hue and Saturation of an Image’s Color in Photoshop CS3

The hue and saturation can both be adjusted to change the color of a photo. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to adjust the hue and saturation of an image’s color in Photoshop CS3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary8720640298298433237"...

How to Adjust Shadow Levels in Photoshop CS3

Shadow levels can be adjusted in Adobe Photoshop CS3 to get rid of any shadows in your photos. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to adjust shadow levels in Photoshop CS3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary7114771302695988800"...

How to Adjust Image Resolution in Photoshop CS3

Image resolution can be adjusted in Adobe Photoshop CS3 to reduce file size or increase the clarity of a photo. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to adjust image resolution in Photoshop CS3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary1474646437001756908"...

How to Add Text in Photoshop CS3

This is best tutorials about adding text in Photoshop CS3. You can add text to your Adobe Photoshop CS3 image by using the text tool. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to add text in Photoshop CS3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary5308155287009913040"...

How to Add an Outer Glow Blending Option to Text in Photoshop CS3

An outer glow that can make text really stand out can be applied to any text in Adobe Photoshop CS3. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to add an outer glow blending option to text in Photoshop CS3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary848692086947056581"...

How to Add an Outer Glow Blending Option to Text in Photoshop CS3

An outer glow that can make text really stand out can be applied to any text in Adobe Photoshop CS3. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to add an outer glow blending option to text in Photoshop CS3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary647819213225289263"...

How to Add an Inner Shadow Blending Option to Text in Photoshop CS3

Apply an inner shadow to text in your Adobe Photoshop CS3 document to make you text look indented or stamped into your canvas. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to add an inner shadow blending option to text in Photoshop CS3.For moreTECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary4236728423708887434"...

How to Add an Inner Glow Blending Option to Text in Photoshop CS3

How to Illuminate your Adobe Photoshop CS3 text from the inside by adding an inner glow blending option. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to add an inner glow blending option to text in Photoshop CS3.For moreTECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary2982606232607961395"...

How to Add a Stroke to Text in Photoshop CS3

A stroke is an outline that can be applied to the letters in your Adobe Photoshop CS3 text. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to add a stroke to text in Photoshop CS3.For moreTECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary8175149455276147945"...

How to Add a Satin Blending Option to Text in Photoshop CS3

The look of satin can be added to any text in Adobe Photoshop CS3 and then be controlled with many settings. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to add a satin blending option to text in Photoshop CS3. For moreTECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary4845142350069137368"...

How to Add a Pattern Overlay to Text in Photoshop CS3

A custom pattern can be created and then put as an overlay on top of text in Adobe Photoshop CS3. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to add a pattern overlay to text in Photoshop CS3.For moreTECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary5117945224079934506"...

How to Add a Gradient Overlay to Text in Photoshop CS3

In Adobe Photoshop CS3, you can create a custom gradient and then lay it on top of your text to create gradient filled text. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to add a gradient overlay to text in Photoshop CS3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary9178352522171725430"...

How to Add a Drop Shadow Blending Option to Text in Photoshop CS3

A drop shadow can be added to text to create a subtle to dramatic shadow that allows you to control every aspect of. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to add a drop shadow blending option to text in Photoshop CS3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary7029465003638890883"...

How to Add a Color Overlay to Text in Photoshop CS3

A color overlay is a layer of cover that can be put on top of Adobe Photoshop CS3 text to add a subtle or dramatic layer of color. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to add a color overlay to text in Photoshop CS3.For more TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary5083668777077910070"...

How to Add a Border in Photoshop CS3

How to add A border of any color, style or thickness can be applied to a Adobe Photoshop CS3 object, such as an image. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to add a border in Photoshop CS3.For moreTECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary553338536001819819"...

How to Add a Bevel or Emboss Blending Option to Text in Photoshop CS3

How to Add a Bevel or Emboss Blending Option to Text in Photoshop CS3Know details how to add A bevel or emboss can be added to any text in Adobe Photoshop CS3 to really make that text come alive and appear to jump off the page. With the bevel or emboss blending option you can literally create thousands of different looks to your text. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to add a bevel or emboss...

Monday, 20 December 2010

What is my Allowed Sites list in Google adsense?

Allowed sites are sites or URLs that allow publishers or wish to have their ads displayed on Google. If the address display AdSense ad code is not on the list of allowed sites, and will still be ads, but will not be appearing and clicks, advertisers will not be charged, and you will not receive any...

How you can enable / disable Auto run file

Remove Infected Autorun.inf from ComputerThis tips only for (Windows 95/98/Me)1. Go to System Properties dialog using the control panel:. "My Computer: Properties or Explorer: My Computer: Properties.2. Select Device Manager tab.3. Select CD-ROM folder.4. Select the entry for your CD-ROM.5. Select Properties.6. Select "Preferences" tab.7. Enable or disable Auto Insert Notification. Click OK. Click...

Top ten money making IDEA from online

Making money at online is not an easy job. It takes long time to succeed. There are many opportunities to make money online work at home. Here I am going to discuss about them-----# Make money by Posting on the forum: You can make money online-only forum posting. There are two kinds of work here. Some administrators forum posters are usually hire a new forum for their forum to make it more rich...

How to close or remove auto run file from computer

Here is my problem I facing nowadays after insert pen derive into my computer, My question is :I am using Windows 7How to close auto run?When I am trying to open pen drive, It’s showing a program still runningHow I can remove Auto run from commuter createSummaryAndThumb("summary6173573580763013373"...

Details about how to post to your mobile phone

You send a message - which can be photos, text, or both to yourname@blogger.com. We take care of everything else. In other words, we automatically provision a new blog and leave a message. It’s very simple.Here's how to start a mobile blog:* The text Registered BLOGGR create your own mobile blog. Text and / or photos in your post will be uploaded to that blog at this time. We're going to send the...

10 best and most popular and useful WordPress plugins

WordPress is one of the most popular blogging platforms because it is easy to use and has a popular community with lots of free themes and plug-in. To improve WordPress, with some additional features we need some additional plug-ins. I try to list the top 10 most popular and useful WordPress plug-in of all time.NO: 01 All in One SEO Pack: Optimizes your Wordpress blog for search engines (Search Engine...

Use Sony Ericsson mobile and blogger blog

Instead, MMS messages sent in the mail yourname@blogger.com mobile blog, Sony Ericsson users post using the built-in Blog This! Function. What difference does this mean? For regular users of mobile devices, mobile alias connects the user mobile blog. For Sony Ericsson users, each phone has a unique identifier of the device, which connects the device mobile blog. Despite this difference, users should...

Which mobile service providers does Blogger Mobile support?

Blogger Mobile currently supports air carriers listed in the following countries. Carriers are listed on the alias MMS. If you are not sure that the operator uses an alias, please send an MMS to yourself e-mail address and follow the from: field of email. Sony Ericsson uses a number of properties connect to a mobile phone blog. Please read this article for more information Sony Ericsson's blog!...

Five best Wordpress plug-in to add social blog wordpress

There are many Wordpress blogs are social improvement, but few of them are really important for the improvement of social and blog search rankings. I have make a short list of the top five Plug in for wordpress blog.GD Plug-in Category:It allows you to create a rating and review system messages, pages and comments on your blog. You can find many options to display rating stars, and add widgets to...

How to easily Upload Video in blogger blog?

If you already have video on your computer, you can upload to your blog as follows:01. Click on the movie on the toolbar position.02. In the resulting window, click the Browse button to locate the video on your computer.03. Enter a title for the video.04. I accept the conditions (if this is your...

11 best seo plug-in for your wordpress blog

Many SEO plugin or WordPress, some very useful optimization blogs. So I made a list of SEO plugins necessary for you. Just look at the list below: Redirection : This is a WordPress plugin to manage the 301 referrals, keeping track of 404 errors, and generally clean up any loose ends could be your site. This is very useful if you are translating the website of an old page, or they change the installation...

Fast Secure Contact Form Essential wordpress plug-in

Fast and secure contact form for WordPress. This form allows visitors to contact you send a quick email. Blocks all common tactics of spammers. Spam is no longer a problem. Includes a CAPTCHA and Akismet support. In addition, the plug-shaped multi-function, additional field, and the ability to redirect...

AddToAny: Share/Bookmark/Email Button wordpress Plugin review and download

The plugin for WordPress to help people share, bookmark, e-mail address on your posts and pages using any service such as Facebook, Twitter, Buzz, Digg, Delicious, and well over 100 sites to share and social bookmarking. News: Facebook as a Button, and Button Twitter Tweet.AddToAny share comes with...

How to choice a High Paying Profitable Google Adsense Keywords

Most of Adsense is to know the best keywords for your ads AdSense. Determination and application of high profit, low competition keywords in your ads really is the trick to making good money from Adsense. I hope that the following process will help you find profitable, low competitive keywords for your ads AdSense.Step 1:Research some keywords for your niche that have a high CPCvalue. You can collect...

Keep safe from online SCAM Offers

The Internet is a great source of making money online. There are thousands of ways to make money online work at home. Most of the guys are working hard to earn some extra money from online. Some other guys are making money trick beginners. They send e-mail attractive to claim millions of dollars from the bank. If you answer, asking you to deposit funds to your account. Unfortunately, if you pay money,...

Splendour Wordpress Theme: free wordpress magazine theme

Splendor, 3 Columns wordpress premium theme for free. It comes with more features such as logging into this panel on the homepage, video appeared, Adsense ready, wp-page navigation integrated, thumbnails and excerpts postal mail and much more.Theme Name: SplendorAuthor: Bdhome24.ucoz.comBackground...

Facebook Like Button Plugin for wordpress blog

The easiest way to add Facebook as buttons for your WordPress blog. Just activate the plugin and start receiving and Facebook likes to post on your blog. People will share your post on Facebook that no time and giving you more traffic and readers on your site. No complicated setup or mess of settings....

Role Scoper Wordpress Plugin: Control over wordpress blog

Role Scoper is a comprehensive solution for access control that allows you to CMS-control, such as reading and editing permissions. Appointment of limitations, and roles to specific pages, messages, or category. For WP 2,7 to 2,9, using 1.2.x. Role ScoperHow it works:Your WordPress identify major role...

Channel: wordpress Free theme download

LIVE DEMO : DOWNLOADThis 3cloumn magazine style theme by mixed red colourTheme Featured * Advanced Control Panel Theme* Automatic thumbnail size control* The text / logo image Switcher* Fully Widgeted side* Advertising Management* Localization ready* Analytics / Stat Control* Built-in FeedBurner*...

Dynamic Related Posts Plugin (DRPP): Top Related Post in wordpress

Dynamic Related Posts Plugin (DRPP) gives you a list of positions and / or pages related to the current entry, introducing the reader to other relevant content on your site. Key features include:1. A sophisticated and versatile algorithm: Using an algorithm considering the various job titles, content, tags and categories, calculates DPCR a "match score" for each pair of posts on your blog. You choose...

FashionPress free wordpres Premium theme

LIVE DEMO : DOWNLOADTheme Feature* Built-in FeedBurner* Display Comments* Gravatar Ready* Custom Page Templates* Custom widgets* Advanced Control Panel Theme* Automatic thumbnail size control* Localization ready* Analytics / Stat Control* Drop down menu navigation* WordPress 3,0 Compatibility* Cross-browser...

How to add Automatic Read More with Thumbnail in Blogger BLOG

This article will explain you to how to add the automatic read more for blogger blog with thumbnail.Collected Picture from www.earningtips24.com Step 1: Go to Blogger.com Login with your Email and password, Go to Design and Select Edit HTML Tab and click and then findExpand Widget Templates and then...

PassionDuo Red Blogger Templates free download

This template includes several popular ad formats for your blog. You get a 468 x 60 banner space in the header, six 125 x 125 banner spots on the right sidebar, and many other places on the side of a skyscraper banners.We have also included our popular sidebar widgets such as recent posts, recent comments...

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

How to Save an Image in Paint

You can use the “Save As” command in Paint.NET to save your image as a JPEG, GIF, TIF, BMP or other file extensions. After you have saved it you can control the quality and file size. In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to save an image in Paint.NET.TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary66921261050173748"...

How to Move a Selection in Paint.NET

Once you have made a selection with one of the selection tools in Paint.NET, you may need to move the selection to include or exclude certain parts of the image from the selection. In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to move a selection in Paint.NETTECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary4034976855151489238"...

How to Remove Red Eye in Paint

You can use the “Remove Red Eye” effect in Paint.NET to remove the red eye in any photo that you have. It’s a quick process that takes only a few minutes. In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to remove red eye in Paint.NET.TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary6221024833102085054"...

How to Resize a Selection in Paint.NET

After you have made a selection in Paint.NET, you may need to resize the selection to make it larger or smaller to get the selection that you want. In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to resize a selection in Paint.NET.TECHBD.BLOGSPOT.COM and  http://www.earningtips24.com/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary4062925363878590207"...